Why Blogging is important

Sacramento Web Services would like to take a moment to explain why blogging is important. If you use social media or search engines you may have noticed that a lot of websites have blogs. Many people share these blog posts and articles on personal social media pages. With every like and each share, the post becomes more and more visible to the general public. The more important a page seems to search engines like Google, the higher it ranks in the search results. This means that your website could get much better search results if you have a blog.

Keyword Dominance

Every website has keywords that describe what the website is about. People type these keywords into the search engines to find whatever they are looking for. Say, for instance, you would like to find web services in Sacramento. You go to Google and type in the key phrase “web services in Sacramento…” once you type this in and hit enter Google goes into action and finds thousands of websites that could benefit you. In the blink of an eye your results pop up and you see a list of websites that provide web services in Sacramento. If you go to Google and type in whatever it is your business does and your site does not come up on the first page, something is wrong. A blog could seriously improve your results.

How it Works

When you have a website that regularly produces blogs or articles you have an edge over your competitors. Regular blog posts indicate to Google and the other search engines that your website is active and is actually doing something. If you are using a powerful SEO tool such as Yoast you continually communicate with the search engines by updating the sitemap status of your website. With each page or post, another link to your site becomes available to the internet. The more these pages build up, the more important your site looks to Google. The more important your site is, the higher you show up in searches.

Keyword Festival

When you post blogs you are able to use more of the keywords that pertain to your business. It is a bad idea to take a hundred keywords and stuff them into a page on your site and expect Google to figure it out. The best strategy is to promote one keyword or phrase per page. If you have a thousand keywords and phrases that fit your business, make a thousand blog posts that use each keyword. Each blog post counts as a page and a link. You can backlink keywords to your home page. So, if you have a thousand pages built on your site that backlink to the main page your site is powerful and full of activity.

Blogging Services

Sacramento Web Services provides blogging services. Most businesses don’t have time to sit down and write blog posts that accentuate keywords and phrases that backlink strategically to the home page and other posts. This is where we come in. We have a plan for each business that comes to us for SEO and website administration. Contact us today for a quote.